He's smiling. I'm melting.
There is something so amazing about being inspired. Actually, everything about being renewed by inspiration is amazing. And every single thing about this location was inspiring. I've driven by these silos a million times and have ached to shoot here. I'm such a sucker for great textures, glowing light, and accessibility (it's a HUGE deal for my clients with little kiddos and one of the first things I take into consideration when scouting). The steel, rust, concrete...it just screams vintage industrial. Paired with the gorgeous green space to satisfy my normal lush vibe and an insanely beautiful family...this ranks as my all time favorite location (I'm sure I say that every week...but really, for real this time...at least for the moment).
I was so excited to get to photograph Ashley, Josh, and Hudson to commemorate one year of them being a sweet family of three. When I was narrowing down location options for the shoot, I thought I'd offer the silos first. Then, if Ashley thought I was nuts for wanting to bring her baby to an old rust pit, I'd pretend like I was kidding. Lucky for me, she didn't even hesitate. 🙌

So, bad photographer confession here...During my family shoots, I really pride myself on sneaking in at least one or two of the couple alone. Ashley and I even talked about it during our pre-session chat. And you know what...I totally forgot. By the end of the session, Hudson was so tired, and we were distracted by the slowest moving train on the planet; I completely missed the chance to snap one. Buuuuuuttttt...I really hope this next shot redeems my mistake. Ladies, just go ahead and swoon over how Josh is gazing at his beautiful bride. I mean, COME ON. Too sweet for words.

Hudson was just getting over being a little bit sick, and he woke up way too early on the morning of the shoot, so his smiles were slightly hard to come by. But when he gave the slightest hint at a grin, my heart just became a big pile of mush.

Seeeeee....Hudson was equally as impressed at the silos.

Random dance parties hosted by Mr. Timberlake are very serious business.

Ashley, thank you so much for taking a chance on this spot. I couldn't be more heart-eyed excited at how the images turned out. Ya'll are just so sweet and adorable ❤