Princess in Process
Ya'll...this session. Adriana made MY LIFE with her adorable sweetness! This girl knows how to work the camera, her giggle is completely contagious, and she made me one super happy photographer. I could not have asked for a more pleasant little if it's not evident from their gorgeous images.

The AMAZING light here makes this spot one of my all time favorite locations...along with a lot of other local photogs. It was packed with families having their fall photos snapped, which we fully anticipated. But this space is beautiful from any angle so there weren't any issues finding a great little area to shoot away. Also lucky for me, there are really great photographers in our area who are great at respecting each other's space☺

I'm completely in love with blush colored dresses, so Heather's outfit choices had me giddy!

It's taking a lot of self control to not share every single image from their session.

I just swoon over a good back-lit image 😍

So funny story about this last little set-up. Henry wanted some shots of he and Adriana walking on this adorable gravel path way. He told me multiple times, "You know, like a portrait of us walking." And I kept thinking "yeah...portraits, that's kind of my thing." As soon as I got into my car after we said our clicked, "Oh portrait orientation!" As in vertical instead of horizontally like I was originally shooting. My coffee had obviously not kicked in yet. Thankfully they were very patient with my brain lag.

Heather, Henry, and Adriana, it was an absolute pleasure getting to spend that cold morning with ya'll. Your daughter is a true gem!